

This is the page displaying all the material related to Yarn. This can include projects, blogs, and certificates.


Circus Discussions cover image

Circus Discussions

For a final year university project, a social media platform was developed enabling users to form communities, start discussions, and comment on them, connecting with like-minded individuals.

Ringmaster Messaging cover image

Ringmaster Messaging

A custom back-end learning project involved creating a straightforward messaging app. Users can chat one-on-one, participate in group chats, send text messages, share images, view active users, and personalize their profiles.

Magician AI cover image

Magician AI

Magician AI is a SaaS platform that leverages AI to enable users to generate various media types and have dynamic conversations. Developing this project allowed me to explore Stripe, Clerk authentication, and unique AI APIs.

Drumroll Music cover image

Drumroll Music

My first major project using Supabase was a basic music streaming site. Users can upload songs, search and listen to music, as well as like the songs they enjoy.

Quizmify cover image


An intuitive platform for dynamic quiz generation. Users can test their knowledge across various topics, choosing between multiple-choice questions or fill-in-the-gap style challenges. With immediate feedback and score tracking, users enhance their understanding.


In my first year of university, my group and I developed a simple game using SimpleGUI for a project. We manually implemented the game's physics using vector theory and physics concepts. Since there were no tutorials or guides available, we relied heavily on the library's documentation.

Clerk Authentication

A simple Next.JS app to experiment with the Clerk Authentication SDK.

Auth0 Authentication

A simple Next.JS app to experiment with the Auth0 Authentication SDK. This does not use the new Next.JS 13 app router as it is not supported as of the time of making this demo.