
Magician AI

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Magician AI is a SaaS platform that leverages AI to enable users to generate various media types and have dynamic conversations. Developing this project allowed me to explore Stripe, Clerk authentication, and unique AI APIs.



Full-Stack Web Development


Back-End Web Development


Authentication and Account Management

Our system ensures seamless and secure user experiences:

  • Users can sign up using email and password
  • Users can sign up using third-party authentication providers such as Google and GitHub
  • Users can log in using email and password
  • Users can log out
  • Users can manage their subscriptions and payments


Users can have enriching conversations with the AI:

  • Ask the AI to generate text based on given prompts
  • Discuss various topics in a conversational manner with the AI

Code Generation

Users can leverage AI for programming:

  • Ask the AI to write code based on specific requirements
  • The AI provides a generated code snippet along with an explanation

Image Generation

The AI creates images from user descriptions:

  • Users describe an image
  • The AI generates a number of images matching that description at a specified resolution

Video Generation

Experience the AI's creativity with video generation:

  • Users describe a video
  • The AI generates a video based on the description provided